Having a Money Focused Mindset

How many times do we feel we do not have what we want in our life? We find that it’s in lack, and we feel our existence for it lacks. How often do we find ourselves thinking about money and for many of us, the scarcity of it? Based on the first question, I would venture to guess, probably pretty often! It’s always in our face…paying bills, car repairs, home repairs, saving money, cutting expenses, you name it, it’s all around us all the time. And because it’s all around us and in our faces so much, it can often times feel like it’s never enough or at best just enough, so we try not to think about it and ignore it the best we can. Not paying attention to our finances, no matter how dire they may be, will never be the way out. A money focused mindset is what needs to be in place if we’re going to get on track with our finances and our financial situation.

Having a money focused mindset isn’t about being greedy. Any successful investor will tell you fear, and greed are the two biggest enemies when it comes to money. Having a money focused mindset is just that, focusing on our money! Aside from burying our heads in the sand and ignoring our money, we can also choose to focus on how much we don’t have, which will only give us more of nothing! Or we can choose to focus on how to make more money and spend less frivolously. A money focused mindset pays attention to our money and our financial situation, it looks at ways to increase our income, it looks at how we spend not only our money, but our time too. The more aware we are about how we make our money, how we use our money and how we spend our money is what will get us ahead of our financial game. Remember, there is no limit to how much we can save if we can continue to increase our income.

Along with having a money focused mindset, we also need to be aware of our beliefs about money. If we have the belief that we’re not meant to be wealthy or that money is the root of all evil, then how can we expect to have more? So, our focus also has to be on how we think about money. If our thoughts are focused on the lack of money or that too much money is a bad thing, then that’s what we’ll get. But if we focus on prosperity and abundance and the things we desire, then we will open the flood gates to having that! To have a money focused mindset we must align our thoughts with our actions to get the results we want. It won’t happen any other way. To have one without the other will send mixed signals and only result in frustration. Working on having a money focused mindset by being aware of what we think and what we do will have us well on our way to financial freedom!

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Having a Money Focused Mindset

Having a Money Focused Mindset