Thoughts Become Things

Did you know that our thoughts become things? There are many people who are already conscious of the fact, while others will look at you like you have three heads whenever you ask them this question. Before we so quickly dismiss the idea, consider for just a moment that it might just be true. Basically, we could think about the things which we would like and eventually, they would materialize. If that doesn’t get our attention, think about the possibility that thoughts become things and that we may spend the vast majority of our time thinking about negative, unhappy things. Thought power is the key to creating our reality. To become the master of our fate, we have to learn to control the nature of our dominant, habitual thoughts. In essence, we get what we spend the majority of our time thinking about.

What if these things come true simply because we cannot stop thinking about them? What if we’re afraid that we will never attain the dream we’ve had our entire life? What if the fact that we’re selling ourselves short creates its own kind of twisted reality where that’s exactly what happens? What a shame it would be that we do not get the things which are important to us, all because we’ve essentially prevented them from happening in the first place because we continuously thought about the worst-case scenario each time we had been given an opportunity to think on a more positive note. Many of us have the belief that we feel or think a certain way due to our circumstances, not knowing the truth that our thoughts become things and it’s our thought power that’s creating those very circumstances, whether wanted or unwanted. If we look at all the individuals who are successful, they’ll almost universally tell us that in order to achieve success, you have to go after what you want with the expectation that it will happen, never allowing the possibility of things not going your way to enter your mind. At the same time, if we look at people who don’t have gratifying lives. They are the negative individuals which are never satisfied with anything, do not believe that they can reach anything, and subsequently never try to do anything about their situation, which they are then making it become their reality.

It is believed that thoughts have a frequency. What is true is that we are beings which are composed of energy and everything we do has a certain frequency associated with it, including our thoughts. Every facet of our life, from the condition of our finances to the state of our well-being and our associations, is accurately revealing our ideas and our beliefs all based on our thoughts. This is why it is so important to be more consciously aware of our thoughts about how and what we’re thinking and to develop a positive mental attitude, because our thoughts become things.

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Thoughts Become Things

Thoughts Become Things