Having Patience

Patience is a virtue. Who hasn’t heard those words before? Those words are deeply rooted in many of our minds, but the behavior, the true practice of patience is just another personality trait which has fallen by the wayside. Our hurried, over-scheduled way of life where everything has to happen instantly is taking its toll on the willingness to be patient and working things out. We want it done and we want it done NOW! And just like any type of success in life, even when it comes to our finances and our financial freedom, having patience is an important trait that we need to learn and practice. Although, the ironic thing with practicing patience is that it takes patience to practice it. On the flip side of that…the great thing about patience, is practicing it in one area of our life will help with learning patience for other areas of our life.

We often live our lives like there’s never enough time to accomplish the things we need to get done and for many aspects of our lives that may seem to be true. We feel like we can’t get enough of it and we could always use having more. It’s this dynamic which we encounter on an all too often basis that causes us to loose perspective on the habit of having patience. Loosing our patience because we feel like we don’t have enough time to get things done is for another subject on time management, but for the purpose of our financial well-being and financial freedom, time and patience need to be looked at a little differently. To achieve financial freedom, we need to realize and understand that it takes time…a long time (years, decades) to reach a place of financial independence provided we take the right steps along the way. And with that, it takes patience to get us through the journey. Without patience, we will never reach our goals and achieve success.

Time is our most valuable commodity and when it comes to creating wealth we need to take advantage as soon as possible within our lives to reap the benefits it offers. The earlier we start with good money habits and practicing having patience along the way, the sooner we will achieve the financial freedom we desire. Regardless of whatever point we may currently be in our lives right now, it’s never too late to start with those good money habits, so we shouldn’t let that discourage us from ever starting. Just always remember the importance of practicing patience, because that is the main ingredient in the recipe. Without it we’ll end up giving up and we won’t get to where we want to be. The most successful people in the world who we recognize for their success didn’t get there overnight. We’re only seeing the results of the many years of efforts, habits, discipline, etc. which got them to reach their high levels of achievement. We need to always remember that!

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