Have a Plan

Planning is something that varies with people. Some people have to plan everything out before taking any action and some people like to just “wing it” and not plan at all. In order to get anywhere, we need to have a plan on how to get there otherwise we could just end up going in circles or end just plain lost. Not having a plan is like being on a ship without a rudder we have no way of directing the ship to our destination. Without a plan, life just happens to us instead of us creating the life we want. If we want to improve our financial situation and get on the road to financial freedom, then we have to have a plan to get there. By creating a plan, it forces us to set up short term, mid term and long term goals which will help us see the bigger picture we have in mind more clearly. We have to think of it as the road map for our journey to our financial future.

Having a plan puts us in charge of where we want to go as opposed to circumstances in life aimlessly pushing and pulling us around. We all know that even when we do plan…things don’t always go to plan, but that’s NOT a reason to not have a plan. Even if plans do need to change, by having set up a plan in the first place, it keeps our minds focused on the goals and having focus on our goals will allow us to make adjustments to our plan when we have to in order for us to get back on track. We may have to change direction and the change in direction may require more effort or cause a delay, but by knowing where we plan to go, we can find a way to get there. It’s like taking a long road trip where we may encounter detours, traffic, weather conditions and of course the unexpected rest stops along the way, but no matter what gets thrown at us we manage to get there. We need to think of our life plan and financial plan in the same way.

Even though we create a plan, it won’t always go smoothly. The thing to keep in mind is it will require patience, perseverance, discipline and determination just to name a few. A helpful technique for creating a plan is to start with the end in mind. In other words, we need to imagine what we want our future to look like and set goals starting with the long term goals first and working our way back to our short term goals. When we break it down that way, it can make goal setting a little easier. Once we have a plan, then we have to execute…take action! All the planning in the world won’t bring results, so we can’t allow ourselves to get stuck in a perpetual cycle of planning. We won’t be able to think of every possible challenge we’ll face along the way, so we can’t let fear keep us from getting started. But with a clear goal and a good plan we’ll be able to make the necessary adjustments along the way and reach our destination. And remember, a dream without a plan is just a wish!

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