Begin With the End in Mind

When we think about the idea of wanting to achieve financial success, one of the first questions we probably ask ourselves is, “how are we going to get there?” And where is “there” exactly? Sometimes that thought is so overwhelming that we just don’t know where to start. It is exactly at that point that we need to begin with the end in mind. It’s at that point when two very important principles need to begin to happen. First we create what we want in our minds by envisioning how we want our future to look. Then we can create the reality of that vision by taking the necessary actions to bring that vision to life. If we don’t make a conscious effort to visualize who we want to be and where we want to go in our lives, then we give up our power to other people and circumstances to shape our lives for us. By starting with how we want our future to look, we can then work our way back to where we currently are, which will help us to bring our goals into focus.

By establishing those goals based on our vision, it gives us real targets to shoot for and as we achieve our goals we will move our vision closer and closer to reality. Nothing in our imagination or our vision can ever become reality unless we take the necessary action. What we’ll find as we create our goals from beginning with the end in mind is that each goal builds to the next as it requires its own set of goals. It’s also important to note and understand that these goals are not fixed and can and should be changed and adjusted as life changes may be affected by major events along our journey. As we know, the journey to financial well being and freedom is a marathon, not a sprint. So the likelihood of needing to adjust our goals is great, which means we should also be prepared to embrace the changes we will encounter. Although adjustments will be needed, it’s also important to stay focused on the end goal, so that any adjustments that are made to our short term goals continue to stay in line with our end goal.

By beginning with the end in mind, it gives us our direction. That sense of direction is what keeps us on our path during a long and challenge filled journey. Without it we will loose site of who we want to be, where we want to go and what we need to do to get there. We need to understand and remember that our dream and vision of financial freedom isn’t just an end result of what we want, but it’s also the first building block in getting started. When we begin with the end in mind, we will have taken the first step to creating our reality and we will be able to set and accomplish our goals more easily.

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Begin With the End in Mind

Begin With the End in Mind