Decision Making

Whether we like it or not making decisions is something all of us have to do on a daily basis, multiple times a day. We are constantly making decisions and most of the time we probably don’t even put much thought into it. Decision making happens on a few different levels. There are small level decisions, which have an immediate affect on our lives on a day to day basis. There are medium level decisions, which have a short term affect on our lives. Then we have those big level decisions that we face which have a long term affect on our lives and also have the biggest consequences. We make all of these types of decisions every day and each decision plays a role in the direction we go in life. Our decisions are really just choices that we make and the choices we make ultimately determine what we get out of life. As we all know, decisions aren’t always easy and we all want to make good decisions. The key to good decision making is discipline.

Generally speaking, a good rule of thumb when it comes to decision making is the smaller the decision, the less time we should spend on making a decision and the bigger the decision, the more time we should spend on making a decision. So, the amount of time we spend on making a decision should be in proportion to the size of the decision. Discipline in decision making comes from getting what we need and avoiding what we don’t need to make a good decision. Having enough of the right information is one major factor in making a good decision. Too much, bad or wrong information can leave us with paralysis of analysis and be a huge stumbling block. Asking enough of the right questions and listening to or finding the relevant information is what we’ll need to make a well informed decision. Emotions are another major factor when making a decision. Making a decision when we’re emotionally charged, either by our actual physical state or if we have an emotional attachment to the decision itself, is when we need to back off and hold off on making a decision. Just keep in mind, deciding not to decide at that moment is also a decision.

Another thing many of us fail to realize about decision making is that most decisions we have to make within our lives are not fatal if we make a wrong or bad decision. Some of the biggest decisions we face may have dire consequences, but more than likely, they will not be fatal. When faced with the realization of a bad or wrong decision, it just means we have more decisions to make to correct it so we can get back on track. The important thing is to decide! A wrong decision is better than no decision, because decisions move us in a direction. Even if a decision moves us a step or two back, we get to exercise more choices to try to get ourselves moving in the direction we need to go. Without decision there is no action and we can’t reach our financial goals without taking action.

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