Have Confidence

What is confidence? Does having confidence mean that we have specific knowledge, necessary skills or certain abilities? Although some or all of those qualities may help, they are not necessary for us to have confidence. Despite what some of us may believe, it is possible to have confidence in ourselves even though we may not be competent in any specific area. With that being said, what we don’t want is to go to one extreme by believing we are better than we really are in a specific area which just comes off as arrogant. But, we also don’t want to go to the other extreme and feel as though we have no worth and have a low self-esteem. This is where emotional intelligence and being self aware help keep that balance and allow us to have a healthy self confidence. Having confidence is to know our own self worth and ability no matter what the situation is that we’re dealing with. So if we’re going to reach for a higher level of financial well being, confidence is something we’re going to need to reach our goals.

Even though we don’t necessarily need specific knowledge, skills or abilities to have confidence, those things will be very beneficial for building upon our confidence so that we can take our lives to the next level. Now, before we can start to build our confidence, the most important thing we will need is to have belief in ourselves. Belief that we can handle whatever comes our way. Once we have that, investing in ourselves to gain specific knowledge and skills is one way to help build our confidence. Another way to help boost confidence is to know our strengths and weaknesses and to use and improve our strengths to our advantage. Believe it or not, taking risks is also another way to increase confidence. Taking calculated risks, by having a plan, will give us the invaluable experience of learning what to do and what not to do. Whatever tools or techniques we use to gain and build our confidence will take practice and like all things in life, we will only get better at it with practice.

Having and gaining confidence is so essential to success in any area of our lives including our own financial success. There will be a lot of things that we’ll have to overcome from the fear of failing to limiting beliefs, to other people trying to undermine our dreams and vision. There may also be times when we battle with the idea that we’re not worthy or capable of financial freedom. But just always remember that no matter what mistakes we’ve made or short falls we’ve experienced, that we are just as deserving as anyone else to achieve high levels of financial success. We start by believing in ourselves, have confidence, work on building and improving it, don’t give up and the rest will follow!

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