Money Can’t Buy Happiness

There is a largely held belief by many people that money can’t buy happiness and although there is some truth to that belief, the one thing that is for certain is that money can make life more comfortable. By making our lives more comfortable and enjoyable we will naturally find moments of happiness in how we are able to experience life. So even though the amount of money we have has a direct affect on how much more comfortable our lives can be, happiness is relative to each individual in how we perceive the things that make us happy. In other words, happiness is an attitude that is formed from within our selves. True happiness comes from within no matter how much money we have. If we think money is the answer to our happiness, we will end up disappointed. Yes…money can and will allow us to buy moments of happiness, but once those moments are gone, we can have a tendency to feel empty and unhappy.

Even though money can’t buy happiness solely on its own, because it takes an adjustment of attitude to truly find it, the more money we have the easier it is to find those moments of happiness. The thing with using our money to give us moments of happiness is that we need to spend it in the right way. Using our money to buy experiences is a better use of our hard earned cash than buying material items, but make sure we’re spending it on the types of experiences that we truly enjoy, not on what other people say we should enjoy. Another way we can use our money to buy moments of happiness is to spend it on things that will allow us to have more free time. Having enough money also relieves anxiety and stress from the financial pressures of providing for our basic necessities like food, clothing and shelter. Which…let’s face it, makes it easier to be happy. Being able to give to charity or help others in need is also another way having money can be our source of happiness. So, money doesn’t necessarily buy happiness, but it allows us to experience things that make us happy.

We can’t put a price on happiness because happiness is not tangible. Happiness is a mindset, an attitude that we develop through the way we respond to the world around us. Being more aware of our feelings and reactions and making a conscious effort to find gratitude in even the smallest of things will allow us to find happiness. It’s not easy at first, but just like physical exercise it takes a lot of effort in the beginning and as we slowly strengthen our muscles the easier it gets. It’s the same for our mindset, it will be difficult in the beginning to make that conscious effort to stop the negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones, but the more we “exercise” our minds in that way, the easier it will become. So, we know that money can’t literally buy happiness, but we also understand that money is a big factor in how we experience life and in those experiences which money can buy, we will find our moments of happiness.

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