Money and Values

Did you ever stop to think about where you get your ideas of what money means to you? What money is to you? And what does it do for you?

We all have a complex relationship when it comes to money. How you acquire, spend and manage money is largely due to two factors: the way you were brought up during childhood about money and values, and the way you organized this information in your mind.

“Don’t tell me what you value, show me your budget, and I’ll tell you what you value.– Joe Biden

At each end of the spectrum is insecurity. On one end, you might be extremely frugal and concerned with the lack of money, on the other you might be very irresponsible with your money and spend it like there’s no tomorrow. The way you process and organize money messages and the way you model money behavior is unique. Even individuals who are raised in the same household don’t necessarily have the same opinion on money or develop the same relationship with money.

Before you can get on the path to financial freedom, you have to first fix your relationship you have with money. It starts with taking the time to figure out and understand what money means to you.

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Money and Values

Money and Values