The Value of Time

Seeing and understanding the value of time and compounding when it comes to your financial future is challenging as a young adult. When you’re young, you have your whole life ahead of you to not have to worry about it now. Or you feel like you don’t have the extra money to save, so you put it off!

Unfortunately, what many young adults don’t see is that it is when you’re young that you are more able to better make the sacrifices that (at the time) you’re just not willing to make. But the thing to understand is that with a goal and a plan those sacrifices become challenges and those challenges can be met and overcome with the right attitude.

“It is never too early to encourage long-term savings.” – Ron Lewis

The fact is, at that point in your life when you’re young, is when it’s most advantageous to start saving early and often. Just imagine how great it would be if by the age of 40 you could say that you can retire if you wanted to! The flip side of that would be you scratching your head, saying at age 40, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to retire in the next 20, 25, 30 years! Which scenario would you prefer? The choice is yours!

The more aggressive you can be with how early, how often and how much you save, will determine how soon you will be able to reach your financial goals and secure your financial future. The combination of time and money create an unbelievable opportunity for building wealth, don’t waste it!

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