There’s No One Size Fits All

Once you’ve reached the point of saving to give, like with any other point of saving, start with what we can. Whatever way works best for your individual situation and/or strategy. You might hear of preferred or recommended ways of doing this, but there is no “right way” and the only “wrong way” would be to do nothing at all. So, with that being said, be creative and start with what works for you.

As an example, start with 1% of your gross pay or 3% of your take home pay, $10 per week or $100 per month…whatever works for your situation, it’s a starting point that counts. From there you can and should increase what you save to give as your financial health improves. So as the percentage of your income increases, you would increase the amount that you save.

“I see that the path of progress has never taken a straight line, but has always been a zigzag course amid the conflicting forces of right and wrong, truth and error, justice and injustice, cruelty and mercy.” – Kelly Miller

This is the beauty of Financeology, there’s no one size fits all! Mix and match strategies and ideas to find the way that works with your individual thoughts and situations. Personality and comfort levels play a big part on how fast or slow you reach your financial goals. Speed is not as important as progress, with progress as the main objective.

Taking the steps to improve your financial well-being, start saving to give when you can and what you can, to help as many people as possible, is one of the most gratifying things you can do in your journey toward financial freedom! So, no matter what strategy you use or how long it takes you to get there, saving to give and being generous should always be a part of that plan. 

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There’s No One Size Fits All

There’s No One Size Fits All