The Power of Budgeting

When you hear the word budget, it might send shivers down your spine. For whatever reason, that seems to be the reaction most people associate with it, which is unfortunate because having a budget has the opposite affect of what most people think. To create and stick to a budget is actually empowering, because it allows you to have control over your money.

Having control of your money is the most gratifying thing about keeping a budget. In order to have control of your money you need to know where every dollar is coming in from and where every dollar is or will be going out to. It’s about you having control over your money, so that your money doesn’t have control over you. That’s the power of budgeting!

“Budgeting has only one rule: Do not go over budget.” – Leslie Tayne

The control you have over your money by budgeting is about knowing the numbers….your financial numbers. The dollars and cents of your cash flow from your income and expenses. Without knowing your numbers, you’re just flying blind with no goal or direction. How can you get to where you want to go if you don’t have a plan on how to get there?!

Start with envisioning your future and how your finances fit into it and come up with the financial goals that will help you to work toward that vision. From those goals is where you can now take the time to go through the process of setting up an effective budget and most importantly, you need to stick to it. So, create that budget, because the path to financial freedom is waiting for you.

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