How You Think About Spending Your Money

We all have different habits, which include money habits. There are good money habits and bad money habits. Just like any habit, bad money habits are hard to break, but if you really want more out of life, the first thing you have do is make a change and the change starts within yourself with what and how you think about spending your money.

At first it will take a much more conscious effort to exercise self control by catching and examining your thoughts before making a purchase. Are you making the purchase because you just want to have it or do you really need it? Or does spending money just make you feel good? Analyzing the thoughts behind your spending is the first step to developing new money habits.

“Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought.” – Napoleon Hill

With consistent practice and application of your thoughts and actions, self control will become easier as you find yourself forming those new habits. When it comes to spending and saving money, self control is vital. It’s that practice and application of examining your thoughts and asking yourself about what you really need and want that will set you up for financial success.

That’s the power of having self control when dealing with your finances! And regardless of what is gong on around you that power is within you ready to be used. It’s your choice IF and HOW you want to use it! Having self control is the basis for any type of success and when it comes to your spending habits, you won’t achieve financial freedom without it.

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