Aspire to Break the Norm

In today’s society, the vast majority of people have been sold the idea that you need to go to school, attend college, and get a good job. And that’s great! Except it doesn’t end there, because once you have the job you end up ultimately working for decades until you can (hopefully) save enough money to retire, so you can then have the freedom to enjoy life when you’re much older.

Who the heck wants to live like that!? Well…guess what? You don’t have to. You don’t have to wait for the later years of your life to enjoy the freedoms of life. You need to aspire to break the norm. That way of thinking came from the time of the industrial revolution, which if you haven’t guessed it, is long gone. The idea of trading time for money…YOUR time for someone else’s money is backwards.

“Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit.” – George Carlin

Time isn’t money. It’s the other way round. Money buys you your most valuable asset…time! It buys you time by freeing you up from having to put in all the hours you spend on earning money. I know that you might be trading time for money right now and that’s fine…you’ve got to start somewhere. You have bills to pay and you need to have the money today to get them paid.

The fact is that the concept and application of trading money to buy time is something that doesn’t happen overnight. First you have to start with changing your mindset and then come up with a game plan on how, where and when you will start investing your money in order to buy your time in the future. It’s about getting your money to work for you, not you working for your money.

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