Academic Intelligence Isn’t Enough

When you’re in a world that puts academic intelligence in such high regard, it tends to under estimate the power and success that comes from having emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the capacity to identify, comprehend, and manage your own feelings and the feelings of individuals in manners that are positive.

You may think that being book smart and having a high intelligence quotient or IQ will guarantee a happy, successful and fulfilled life. If you look around, there is an assortment of individuals in every area of the world who are brilliant academically, but are inept at work or in their relationships and handling people. Not having the ability to deal with people will only get you so far.

“The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.” – William James

That’s why academic intelligence isn’t enough on its own to succeed in life. And when you’re talking about your personal finances and your quest for financial freedom, it will be your emotional intelligence, not your IQ that will allow you to succeed. Whether you realize it or not, there is undoubtedly no shortage of emotional factors when dealing with money.

Although the term emotional intelligence is largely heard and used with regards to leadership and managing people, there are elements of IE that play a major role in how you look at, feel about and use money. It’s important to realize and understand how your emotions affect your financial well-being. So work on increasing your emotional intelligence and get on the path to financial freedom!

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