Your Thought Power

What if the fact that you’re selling yourself short creates its own kind of twisted reality where that’s exactly what happens? What if you’re afraid that you will never attain the dream you’ve had your entire life? What if these things come true simply because you cannot stop thinking about them? What a shame it would be for you not to get the things that are important to you.

And it’s only because you’ve essentially prevented them from happening in the first place by continuously thinking about the worst case scenario each time you had been given an opportunity to think on a more positive note. Too many people have the belief that you feel or think a certain way due to your circumstances. It’s actually the other way around!

“Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought.” ― Napoleon Hill

The truth is that your thoughts become things and it’s your thought power that’s creating those very circumstances, whether wanted or unwanted. If you ask successful individuals, they’ll tell you that in order to achieve success, you have to go after what you want with the expectation that it will happen, never allowing the possibility of things not going your way to enter your mind.

At the same time, if you look at people who don’t have gratifying lives. They’re the negative individuals who are never satisfied with anything, they don’t believe they can reach anything, and subsequently never try to do anything about their situation, which they then make it become their reality. Remember…how you think about your circumstance is more powerful than the circumstance itself!

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