Be More Consciously Aware

While listening to a radio, whether it is AM/FM or satellite and wonder how amazing it is for an invisible signal to travel through the air carrying information and being received for you to hear? Well, in much of the same way, it is believed that thoughts have a frequency also. Frequency is actually energy transmitted through the air which is picked up by a receiver.

What’s even more amazing is that we are beings which are composed of energy and everything we do has a certain frequency associated with it, including our thoughts. Now let that sink in for a minute! You are made up of energy in which everything that you do vibrates at certain frequencies and your thoughts are a part of those frequencies.

“Everything you do in every moment matters. A single thought can change your world.” ― Anthon St. Maarten

Your thoughts, just like a frequency of a radio station that is transmitted, will to be picked up by a receiver that is tuned to that specific frequency. So if you stop to consider that every facet of your life, from the condition of your finances to the state of your well-being and your associations, is accurately revealing your ideas and your beliefs all based from your thoughts.

No matter what your goals are, all success begins in the mind. It starts with your thinking! Your thought life creates your real life…your reality. This is why it is so important to be more consciously aware of your thoughts about how and what you’re thinking and to develop a positive mental attitude, because your thoughts become things.

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