You Want It Done NOW!

It’s so easy to fall into the trap of seeing the success of other people and wondering why you’re not there yet. Much of that comes down to patience. Patience is a virtue. Who hasn’t heard those words before? Those words are deeply rooted in many of our minds, but the behavior, the true practice of patience is just another personality trait which has fallen by the wayside.

More than likely, your hurried, over-scheduled way of life where everything has to happen instantly is taking its toll on the willingness to be patient and working things out. Living during a time where you have so much instant gratification in almost every part of your life, it causes you to not have patients for those things that don’t happen as quickly as you want or expect.

“Like farmers we need to learn that we cannot sow and reap the same day.”
– Anonymous

You want it done and you want it done NOW! You don’t have time to wait…it shouldn’t take this long! So even when things that naturally take time don’t meet your expectations you become frustrated and give up. But, just like any type of success in life, even when it comes to your finances and your financial freedom, having patience is an important trait that you need to learn and practice.

Although, the ironic thing with practicing patience is that it takes patience to practice it. On the flip side of that…the great thing about patience, is practicing it in one area of your life will help with learning patience for other areas of your life. The idea of being patient has in a way become a lost art, but it’s a critical trait you’ll need to have for success on your journey to financial freedom.

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