Worry is Nothing but Wasted Energy

The fear of failing is among the biggest fears people have, not to mention the biggest reason they never step out of their comfort zone to try anything new. One of the major differences between successful and unsuccessful men and women is that successful men and women conquer their fear of failure. They know that they need to make a few mistakes in order to move toward their objective.

They know that failure is not the end result and that it’s a part of the process for success. Unsuccessful people look at mistakes as being permanent as well as taking it personally by having feelings of incompetence and inadequacy. The fear of failure consists of two elements. The first is the fear of letting yourself down. The second is the fear of vulnerability by looking like a failure to everyone else.

“Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.” ― Roy T. Bennett

You sometimes worry too much about what others think, and forget the most crucial thing which is the reason you’re even doing whatever it is you set out to do in the first place. Besides worrying about what other people think, you probably also have fears about things that haven’t even happened yet, or never will happen. All that worry is nothing but wasted energy.

It’s wasted energy because if you have control to influence whatever it is you’re worried about then you need to focus that energy on the solution. And if you don’t have control, then no amount of worry will change anything anyway. Either way, it makes so sense and does no good to worry. Learn to focus on the things you have control over and learn to embrace those things which you don’t.

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