Become the Gate Keeper of Your Mind

It seems like too many people go through their day not giving much consideration to things that can affect how they think and feel. You might not even realize the thoughts and ideas you have going through your mind every day, actually every second of every day, is what causes you to make the decisions that you make and the actions that you take in all aspects of your life.

Those thoughts and ideas you have are very much influenced by the things you hear and see going on around you, from the television, to social media, to things you read or hear. Whether you want to believe it or not, those seemingly minor things play a major role in your life. Where you currently are in your life and where you want to go, is a direct reflection of what you feed your mind.

“The past could only control your present and future through your mind. So by all means, guard your mind with the gate of positivity.” – Edmond Mbiaka

Whatever you feed your mind with, you start to believe it whether it’s good or bad and once you start to believe it you make it your reality. You have to become the gate keeper of your mind, constantly guarding what goes in, because what goes in comes back out in the words that you speak and the things that you do, which ultimately leads to the results you get.

Garbage in gives you garbage out! If you’re not careful about the thoughts that you allow into your mind, either from yourself or others, you’ll have life control you instead of you having control of your life. By making a conscious effort to fill yourself up with positive influences however and whenever you can, you’ll start to experience positive results in your life.

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