The Quality of Your Thoughts

What you think and how you think will either set you up for success or hold you back from it. It all starts with feeding your mind with positive, uplifting thoughts and ideas through books, audio and video just to name a few. The more that you’re able to feed your mind in those ways, the more you’ll be able to guard your mind from negative, self defeating thoughts.

The things you consistently fill your mind with will eventually overflow regardless of whether they’re positive or negative. Your thoughts will come out in the words you speak and the words you speak will determine the things that you do and the things you do will give you the results that you get. In the end, positive thoughts produce positive results, negative thoughts produce negative results.

“Your thoughts are the architects of your destiny.” – David O. McKay

Of course, just because you keep yourself primed with positivity doesn’t mean nothing around you will go wrong. That is unrealistic, but the truth is that even though you may not be able to control everything that goes on around you, you can control how you react to what goes on around you, which starts with what you choose to feed your mind.

You’ll find that the quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts, so it only makes sense to pay close attention and make a deliberate effort to guard and feed your mind with good, positive thoughts on a daily basis. Your success, including your financial success will be up to you, by deciding how and what you will feed your mind with. Make it count!

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