Things You Know You’re Good At

Find your strengths to find success. Surveys, self assessments, gathering feedback from people who know you well are some ways to figure out your strengths. After the surveys, self assessments and feedback are done, nothing can happen without action. Unless you take the necessary action once you find your strengths, no amount of knowledge will bring results.

Understanding and developing your strengths will also require you to increase your self awareness and discipline if you are going to change the direction of your life. You have to be in tune with your emotions to be able to recognize the opportunities that play to your strengths and have the grit to stick with improving on them during those moments you fall short.

“Everybody has talent, but ability takes hard work.” ― Michael Jordan

Not every opportunity you have to improve will be a win, so know that that’s part of the process. But by working to improve your strengths, those set backs will be less frustrating and happen less often than when trying to improve on your weaknesses. The fact is that when you do the things you know you’re good at, the happier, more productive, and efficient you will be.

That’s the one of the primary benefits of finding and developing your strengths as opposed to trying to fix your weaknesses. There is no fast track to success, having patience and determination will always be necessary on your journey, but leveraging your strengths will shorten the time it will take to get there. As you improve yourself by focusing on your strengths, success is sure to follow.

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