Belief Will Come From Preparing

If you’re not prepared when you’re suddenly faced with an opportunity, you’ll most likely miss it. That’s why you have to prepare for them before they show up. You might even be living your life hoping for that big opportunity to come your way and you dream of what you would or could do if you were given a chance. Stop living a life of I would or I could and start living a life of I will!

I’m sure there have been plenty of times when you had opportunities that were right in your hands and you blew it! You blew it because you weren’t prepared. Sometimes things don’t happen as fast as you would like, but you shouldn’t let that discourage you from preparing yourself for future opportunities. And by preparing for opportunities, you’ll find that opportunities will come to you.

“I will prepare and some day my chance will come.”
― Abraham Lincoln

When you really think about it, it doesn’t make much sense to imagine and go after certain dreams or expectations of success without putting in the time or effort to prepare for it. And most often it’s not because you can’t put in the time or effort, it’s actually because you don’t really believe it’s possible. Belief is a very important and powerful part of the formula when it comes to your imagination.

So the first step after imagining the opportunity, is to believe it IS possible and some, if not all of that belief will come from preparing for it! Don’t just sit on the hope of what you would do if you were given an opportunity. Believe that the opportunity you’re envisioning will come and take the steps to prepare yourself for when it does. You’ll be glad you did!

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