It Starts With What You Tell Yourself

You may have never thought of yourself as having any special abilities or powers, but you do. In fact, we all do! One of the most powerful abilities you posses as an individual is the power to choose your attitude. You can’t always control your circumstances, but you are the only one who can control what you think or how you think. Now that’s true power!

It’s completely up to you to figure out how you want to look at the world around you and decide how you will react to it. You can either have a positive attitude of self-encouragement and motivation or a negative attitude of defeat and self-pity. Even though we all have that ability, some people have a more difficult time than others in harnessing that power. It may be more difficult, but it’s not impossible.

“The thoughts in your mind will always be more important than the things in your life.” ― John C. Maxwell

The bottom line is the choice is yours and yours alone, no one can choose it for you and it starts with your inner voice. It starts with what you tell yourself about everything that is going on around you with what you see, feel, hear and touch. And what you tell yourself about it is how you will respond to it. Just like any other ability that needs to be developed, it takes effort and patience.

It’s your self talk that drives your attitude throughout life. Learn to recognize the negative thoughts and dialog you have going on in your head and learn to replace them with positive ones. People may think that if you talk to yourself, you’re crazy! The fact of the matter is that if you don’t talk to yourself you will go crazy. Don’t be afraid to talk to yourself, just make sure it stays positive.

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