Create What You Want

When you think about the idea of wanting to achieve financial success, one of the first questions you probably ask yourself is, “how are you going to get there?” And where is “there” exactly? If you’re not asking yourself those two questions, then you really need to. And sometimes the thought of asking those questions can be so overwhelming that you just don’t know where to start.

It is exactly at that point that you need to begin with the end in mind. It’s at that point when two very important principles need to begin to happen. First you create what you want in your mind by envisioning how you want your future to look. Then you can create the reality of that vision by taking the necessary actions to bring that vision to life. It’s the process of two creations.

“Create a vision for the life you really want and then work relentlessly towards making it a reality.”

― Roy T. Bennett

The first creation happens in your imagination and the second happens when you take action to create it physically. If you don’t make a conscious effort to visualize who you want to be and where you want to go in life, then you give up your power to other people and circumstances to shape your life for you. Too many people let life happen to them instead of taking control.

Don’t be a victim of your circumstances, live your life with a plan and a purpose. By starting with how you want your future to look, you can then work your way back to where you currently are, which will help you to bring your goals into focus. Keep working back from each goal with a smaller more manageable goal until it’s a small enough goal that you believe is attainable. And that’s where you start!

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