What Gets You Motivated?

Getting the motivation to start working toward your goals isn’t something that mysteriously builds up inside of you until you all of a sudden take action! Despite what many people might think, it doesn’t take motivation to take action, it’s actually the other way around! Motivation comes from taking action and once you’re motivated by your actions, you prime yourself to take more action.

It’s like a continuous loop, where one feeds into the other and then feeds back into itself. A simple example from my own experience is when I don’t feel motivated to engage in my daily workout. What I’ll find is that by making the decision to take action by getting myself into the gym, once I get started, I end up putting in more effort than I felt I was wanting to prior to walking in.

“It is where you want to be in the next five years, not where you are now.”
― Shannon L. Alder

Taking action is what gets you motivated and discipline is what gets you to take the necessary action. The things that motivate you by taking action are the things you feel good about when you achieve your goals, whether it’s praise, recognition, fame, money, etc. Discipline is the habit or practice of doing what you know you should do even when you don’t want to do it.

Developing a routine that lines up with what you need to achieve your goals is a good way to instill discipline. So find whatever the “thing” is that motivates you and become disciplined to take the necessary actions for you to achieve your financial goals. And remember, your discipline will get you started, your actions will give you results and your motivation will keep you going.

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