Envy Kills Inspiration

Being jealous or envious over the success of others or worse yet, perceived success is pointless. It’s a negative emotion you have to overcome if you ever want to achieve it yourself. Overcoming jealousy or envy is not an easy task, but it can be done if you truly want to change your situation. Envy kills inspiration. It’s a very toxic emotion, so as long as you are envious you can’t be inspired.

If you find yourself being continuously jealous or envious, you need to become more self-aware to find out why you’re feeling that way. Being self-aware is about making a conscious effort with taking note of what it is that’s causing the feeling of jealousy or envy at the moment you’re feeling it, and giving yourself feedback to uncover the reason for feeling that way.

“Jealousy blurs the focus.”
― Toba Beta

Taking that moment to give yourself feedback will help you to drill down to the real reason of why you’re feeling the way that you do. Most often what you’ll find is that you’re comparing yourself to others based on what you see. Sometimes the reasons are more internal like feeling insecure about who you are or threatened by their level of prestige.

Once you pin point the root causes of your envy, you’ll realize that what you’re feeling is more about how you’re judging yourself and your very own perception of what you think should be. That cycle needs to be broken before you can make any successful progress. Make the decision to do what it takes to stop feeling envious and fuel the inspiration needed to achieve your own financial success.

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