Be Curious

Comparing yourself to the success of others can trigger feelings of jealousy. Being self-aware can help you to uncover the true reasons why you feel that way. As you become more self-aware and conquer the thoughts that cause you to be envious, you can then look at those who you see as being highly successful and use what you view as their success to be inspired in your own life.

Jealousy and envy are negative emotions that kill dreams. By overcoming them, it opens you up for inspiration and learning. Use the success you see in others to fuel your own success. Allow them and their story to inspire you to set and achieve your goals. Instead of being envious, be curious! Be curious about who they are and how they became successful.

“Remember that things are not always as they appear to be… Curiosity creates possibilities and opportunities.”
― Roy T. Bennett

Learn about them, get to know them, learn from them, ask them questions, create friendships with them, ask them to be your mentor. There are so many more advantages to personal growth with this approach. The last thing you want to do is become jealous or envious, because those feelings will only hurt your chances of ever becoming successful in anything you attempt to do.

It’s going to be the inspiration that you get from others that are financially successful, not your jealousy or envy of them that will put you on the right path to your own financial success. How you choose to react won’t affect anyone else but you. By reacting negatively, you’ll only be dragging yourself down, but on the flip side of that, reacting positively can put you on the road to financial freedom!

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