Happiness Is a Mindset

Can money really buy happiness? Maybe money can allow you to buy moments of happiness, but not happiness itself. There’s a misconception that money can buy happiness, but here’s the thing, you can’t put a price on happiness because happiness is not tangible. Happiness is a mindset, an attitude that you develop through the way you respond to the world around you.

Happiness comes from the inside-out, not the other way around. Being more aware of your feelings and reactions and making a conscious effort to find gratitude in even the smallest of things will allow you to find happiness. It’s not easy at first, but just like physical exercise it takes a lot of effort in the beginning and as you slowly strengthen your muscles the easier it gets.

“Happiness does not lead to gratitude. Gratitude leads to happiness.”

– David Steindl-Rast

Just like your physical and emotional efforts, the same is true for your mindset. It will be difficult in the beginning to make that conscious effort to stop the negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones, but the more you “exercise” your mind in that way, the easier it will become. It’s not a process that happens overnight, but it can be achieved with patients and practice.

So, you know that money can’t literally buy happiness, but you also understand that money is a big factor in how you experience life and in those experiences which money can buy, you will find your moments of happiness. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking money is the answer to happiness. With that way of thinking, you’re sure to have neither. Find happiness from within and you won’t be without!

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