This is What Makes Financial Success Possible

Having to limit our capacity to receive something now for the enjoyment of being able to have something better and bigger afterwards is difficult. Waiting patiently for the future to get what we want is the sacrifice we make by only getting what we need now. Imagining and envisioning our future is challenging for a lot of us and that is where small, clear financial goals come into play to help us see the progress we’re making toward our future. The grit and determination of sticking with the plan for our own future, day in and day out, not just for the week, not just for the month, but for many years and working really hard to make that long run a reality is living life like it’s a marathon, not a sprint. The ability to delay gratification makes investing possible. We invest when we believe (or know) that by delaying gratification, we can expect greater rewards for our future.

This is What Makes Financial Success Possible

There are certain things that can’t be avoided if you are to achieve financial freedom. For starters, the time-tested principles of delayed gratification and sacrifice are very important ingredients for your finances that may require a greater change in mindset…or paradigm shift for some more than others. It may be easier for you to grasp and apply the concept than it might be for someone else.

Regardless of who you are, what you’ve been through or what your current situation is, the challenge will be there. The fact still remains that the end result needs to be constantly kept in the forefront of your mind in order to see your goals through. It’s keeping the end in mind and working toward those goals until you reach your vision.

“Don’t give up what you want most for what you want now.” – Richard G. Scott

See your future for what you want it to be and make the choices and take the actions now to make it happen! Think back to the thoughts and dreams you had as a child. You imagined the future of what who you wanted to be when you grew up, what you wanted to do, what you wanted to have. You have to tap into that same imagination as an adult as you think about your financial future.

Be that kid again! Use that same imagination to imagine, envision and create a new dream. Know that you can start over, but this time be deliberate, be intentional, set goals, make plans and know that you are the creator of your financial future. Dream it, believe it and build it!

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