Why We Need to Prepare for Opportunities

We don’t always know when, where or how opportunities will present themselves and that’s why it is so important to be ready, willing and able to answer the call when it does show up. If we’re not, then we won’t answer the call and the opportunity will inevitably move on to someone else who is. Preparing for opportunities has nothing to do with chasing opportunities. When we chase opportunities, we’ll always fall short because we’re too busy chasing and not spending enough time on focusing in on what we really want. By preparing for opportunities we need to focus our attention on a few key skills or interests that we imagine the opportunities will look like. We need to decide on what we want to focus on and put our energy and effort into developing, learning and growing into those skills and interests. That is how we will prepare ourselves when the time comes to jump at the right opportunity. We can’t always control what opportunities come to us, but we can control how prepared we are for them when they do.

Why We Need to Prepare for Opportunities

The health of your financial future depends on being prepared for opportunities, especially when it comes to saving to invest. When you focus on saving to invest, you may not always know what investment opportunity will come along, but having the cash on hand ready to go is a huge advantage when the opportunity does come.

By focusing on specific types of investments, you can prepare yourself by educating yourself through reading, listening, workshops, seminars, etc. so when the time is right, you’re ready! There are an endless variety of investment vehicles out there, that’s why focusing on the specific types that interest you is an important key factor when preparing for the opportunities you’re envisioning.

“Opportunity does not waste time with those who are unprepared.”
― Idowu Koyenikan

Preparing for opportunities takes a combination of many things which include, self-discipline, delayed gratification and sacrifice, good money habits, a positive mental attitude and the ability to embrace change just to name a few. Don’t sell yourself short by telling yourself that you don’t have what it takes to seize the right opportunity. Start with small manageable steps and the rest will follow.

Without those things, preparation for financial opportunities will be difficult and without preparation you risk the chance of missing them. Belief in yourself and belief in your dream becomes strengthened through preparation. Just remember that success comes at the crossroads where preparation and opportunity meet. So make sure you’re ready for when that time comes!

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Why We Need to Prepare for Opportunities