Why Do You Need to Be Money Focused

Money Focused

“If your goal is to be comfortable, chances are you’ll never get rich. But if your goal is to be rich, chances are you’ll end up mighty comfortable.” – T. Harv Eker

Do you ever have those moments when you feel like you do not have the things that you want in your life? You feel like certain things are lacking. And you maybe even feel like your entire existence is lacking because of it! How often do you find yourself thinking about money, and maybe even for some people, the scarcity of it?

Based on the last question, I would venture to guess, it might be pretty often! It’s always in your face…paying bills, car repairs, home repairs, saving money, cutting expenses, you name it, it’s all around you all of the time. Whether you like it or not or whether you agree with it or not, money plays an important role in how comfortably you go through life. It’ just a part of the world we live in.

Why Do You Need to Be Money Focused

And because it’s all around you and “in your face” so much, it can often times feel like it’s never enough. Or at best, it’s just enough. So, you try not to think about it and ignore it the best that you can. But not paying attention to your finances, no matter how bad they may be, will never be the way out. The only way out of bad financial conditions is to face it and take corrective action!

A money focused mindset is what needs to be in place if you’re going to get on track with your finances and your financial situation. By becoming more aware and focused on money and your finances will help you to take control of it. Going through life pretending that you don’t have money problems or hoping that one day it will change, won’t do you any good. A money focused mindset will!

“The time making money should be greater than the time that you are spending money.” – Sophia Amoruso

When it comes to your finances, being money focused is essential. And just to be clear, having a money focused mindset isn’t about being greedy. Any successful investor will tell you fear, and greed are the two biggest enemies when it comes to money. So, greed is not at all part of the equation in the quest for financial freedom.

Having a money focused mindset is just that…focusing on your money! Aside from burying your head in the sand and ignoring your money, you can also choose to focus on how much you don’t have. When you do that, it will only give you more of what you don’t want…which is not having enough money! That’s always a good way to sabotage your efforts of improving your financial situation.

Or, on the flip side of that, you can choose to focus on how to make more money. And spend less frivolously. A money focused mindset pays attention to your money and your financial situation. It looks at ways to increase your income. It looks at how you spend your money, and it even looks at how you spend your time. Having that focus allows you to have more of an awareness of your financial conditions.

The more aware you are about how you make your money, how you use your money and how you spend your money, is what will get you ahead of your financial game. Remember, there is no limit to how much you can save if you can continue to increase your income. By becoming more money focused is where it all starts!

“When values, thoughts, feelings, and actions are in alignment, a person becomes focused and character is strengthened.” – John C. Maxwell

Having a money focused mindset is an important part of your journey to financial well-being. And along with a money focused mindset, you also need to be aware of your beliefs about money. If you have the belief that you’re not meant to be wealthy or that money is the root of all evil, then how can you expect to have more?

So, in order to change your financial situation, your focus also has to be on how you think about money. If your thoughts are focused on the lack of money or that too much money is a bad thing, then that’s what you’re going to get. Thoughts are things, so naturally you’re going to get what you predominantly think about whether it’s positive or negative. That choice is up to you!

What that means to you is, if you focus on prosperity and abundance and the things you desire, you will open the flood gates to having that! To have a money focused mindset you must align your thoughts with your actions to get the results you want. It won’t happen any other way. To have one without the other will send mixed signals and only result in frustration.

Working on having the money focused mindset by being aware of what you think and what you do will have you well on your way to financial freedom. Keeping your thoughts focused on what you want financially and taking the necessary actions will undoubtedly pave the way to your financial success!

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Why Do You Need to Be Money Focused