Simple Tips to Create an Attitude of Gratitude

“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.” – John Milton

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life! That seemingly small statement actually packs a big punch once you figure out how to unlock its power. Consider how simple it is for life to fly by…getting caught up in the rat race, being stuck in your daily routines sprinkled with a vacation or two if you’re lucky enough, all for the sake of just getting through another day.

Not only is it physically draining, but mentally and emotionally too! Eventually it gets to the point where you’re left feeling unfulfilled. And leaving you scratching your head trying to figure out what you’re missing. That’s when having an attitude of gratitude comes in! By incorporating an attitude of gratitude into your life, it opens up a whole new world that changes everything.

Simple Tips to Create an Attitude of Gratitude

It’s an exercise in positive thinking and gratitude that needs to be practiced frequently. Despite what some people may think, it doesn’t mean putting on rose colored glasses and saying everything is going to be alright. It’s about changing the way you look at things. And by changing the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.

If you’re not used to recognizing and acknowledging the things to be grateful for, it can be very challenging. But patience and practice will get you there. By taking the things all around you in your life, whether they’re big or small, but even most especially with the little things, and seeing them through the eyes of appreciation…that’s the key that unlocks gratitude.

“Gratitude practice is really, really important to me. I think it’s an incredible way to start your day.” –  Rachel Hollis

Kicking your day off on the right track starts with gratitude! The list of things for you to appreciate in your life, no matter who you are or what you’re going through is limitless. Depending on your individual circumstances or situations, it may be easier said than done. But the fact remains that you have plenty of things you can appreciate and be grateful for.

Whether it’s a person or people in your life, places you’ve been, things you have or the things you can see, feel, touch, experience, etc. the list is endless, so you really have no excuses. The challenge for you is to recognize it (whatever it may be). Then, appreciate it and be grateful for it, rinse and repeat as often as possible. The more you look, the more you’ll find.

If this is something you’re not already doing on a regular basis, it will take a conscious effort to apply. But the more often you practice it, the more automatic it will become without even thinking about it. A simple way to prime your attitude of gratitude pump everyday is to have a short list of things that you can wake up to and be grateful for before you even start your day.

Not only will this get your day off to a great start, but it’s also a practice tool to help you recognize other things throughout your day that you can appreciate and be grateful for. Although it’s a simple concept, it’s not always easy. If it’s something you struggle with, it will take patience and time, but don’t lose heart. Success in life, even financial success, comes from the seeds of gratitude.

“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.” –  Zig Ziglar

Being grateful plays an important role to achieve any type of success you’re striving for in life. It starts by creating an environment for yourself that reflects the attitude of gratitude. The way you do that is by daily practice, and not just when you’re feeling good. In fact, it’s when you’re not feeling good that you need to make a stronger effort to apply this principle.

Some of the little things you can do to keep you focused on a regular basis can be as small and simple as minding your manners by saying please and thank you. Offer a smile to a complete stranger. Notice when others do kind things to you and show gratitude by actions or words. Leave love notes for family members in unexpected places like lunch boxes and under pillows.

Encourage someone with a compliment. Keep a basket of little slips of paper on a table at home or your desk at work. Write notes of thankfulness throughout the week and read them when having moments of not feeling good. Verbalize what you’re grateful for whenever you catch yourself complaining about life. Often times it’s the smallest things that can have the biggest impact on your attitude.

Putting these things into practice will help keep you on track with an attitude of gratitude. And you’ll begin to notice how circumstances in your life start to change for the better. Having an attitude of gratitude is an essential part of your journey to financial freedom. Which you’ll need in order to get through the challenges you’ll encounter along the way. Take the time, make the effort…you’ll be glad you did!

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Recommended Reading:
Simple Tips to Create an Attitude of Gratitude