How to Get What You Want When You Envision the Future

“Have a vision. It is the ability to see the invisible. If you can see the invisible, you can achieve the impossible.” – Shiv Khera

In order to strive for success, you need to first have an idea of what you want that success to look like. A good part of setting yourself up for financial freedom comes from being able to leave the past behind you. Look past today and envision the future that you want. For a lot of people, visualization comes naturally, but for others, engaging in visual creative thinking is tough.

How can you set goals for yourself if you don’t have a vision of where you want to be? Visualization is a “technique” used by the most successful people in all areas of life from athletes to actors to CEO’s. By playing out in their minds eye, as if watching a movie. They see themselves achieving whatever it is they’re setting themselves up to accomplish.

How to Get What You Want When You Envision the Future

Just like the successful people you admire you have that same ability. And as with anything you want to accomplish in your life, including financial freedom, visualization is a key component. Whether you realize it or not there are many times in your life that you’ve used visualization to one degree or another, even though you may think you have a difficult time with envisioning your future.

For example, imagining yourself driving a new car before you actually buy it. Or what restaurant to go to when trying to decide what to eat. Those are small, not so distant visions that you have on a daily basis. And the concept for long term visions is the same. The only difference is the amount of time and the number of goals to reach that will take you from where you are now to where you want to be.

“The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it, as long as you really believe 100 percent.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

You might feel like envisioning your future is a challenging process, but it doesn’t have to be. When you try to envision your future, you need to imagine a “perfect picture” of doing exactly what you want to do. It’s actually more like a movie playing out in your mind than a picture. It’s about creating a pattern in your brain of performing the actions as if you are actually doing them.

By doing this, you allow yourself to practice in your mind the steps you need to take and the goals you need to accomplish for having and doing what it is you desire. Along with the vision, you also have a positive mental attitude so that the future you’re envisioning is something you believe is possible. If you don’t believe it’s possible, then no amount of imagination will ever make it a reality.

It’s the combination of imagining and believing that will propel you forward to take real actions toward your vision. Those small actions that you need to take to move you toward the vision of your distant future will also require the imagination and visualization of how and what it will take to get there. It’s the constant cycle of imagining, visualizing and taking action toward your vision.

So, as you can see, envisioning the “big picture” of what you desire in your distant future also takes a smaller, less distant vision. Which when you stop to think about it, is what you find yourself doing in so many other areas of your life on a daily basis. Use your imagination to picture your future. Visualize doing what it will take to get there, believe in yourself and take action!

“You have the power within your reach to create what you desire.”
― Lailah Gifty Akita

The best way to predict the future is to create it. And we all have the ability to create our future through visualization. Visualization is a powerful tool that can be used by anyone, including you! It’s a technique that’s consciously used by all successful people to achieve their high levels of success. And believe it or not you use it too, just on a smaller scale and usually without even realizing it.

Of course, just visualizing alone won’t produce results. Results come from putting in the required effort and actions. There are no guarantees and there is certainly no replacement for hard work. But with some focus, belief and an imagination, what you envision will soon become a reality. Before anything can become a reality, you need to first create it in your mind.

By making a conscious effort to consistently practice visualizing and believing in whatever it is you’re imagining, you’ll be on your way to creating the future you desire. It will take time and patience to reach the vision you have in mind for your future. So, keep working on the individual, smaller goals and visions because that is what will ultimately get you to your future vision.

Set financial goals, have a positive mental attitude, keep a money focused mindset and envision the future of financial freedom. When you stop to think about how anything is created, you begin to realize and understand that it’s made up of smaller creations strung together to make up the “big picture”. There’s no difference when it comes to wealth creation.

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Envision the Future