Do You Suffer from Paralysis of Analysis

“Thinking too much leads to paralysis by analysis. It’s important to think things through, but many use thinking as a means of avoiding action.” – Robert Herjavek

To accomplish anything, you need to take action and before taking action there is a thought process that is required…to a point! There’s this thing called Paralysis of Analysis or Evaluation Paralysis. It’s where you can’t take any actions because of over thinking the details or over preparation. And it’s one of the most notorious action killers you could ever possibly have.

Planning is always helpful when you’re starting a brand-new project. But you shouldn’t let it get to the point where you try to plan out every little detail. To the point where you never make the decision to actually get started. Every goal or idea starts in your mind. And it will just stay in your mind if you wait until you feel like everything is perfect before you decide to bring it to life.

Do You Suffer from Paralysis of Analysis

I’m sure it’s happened to you, where you’ve had a great idea, but neglected to do anything about it due to paralysis of analysis. The thoughts race through your head about how, when, what if…and the list goes on. Planning is great and necessary, but no matter how much you plan, there will inevitably be something that comes along that throws a wrench into the works!

You have to understand that a plan is a guide to get you from point A to point B. But you can’t lose sight of getting to point B by trying to figure out how to get around every road block before you ever get on the road. You just need to realize that you will need to make changes or adjustments as you encounter things along the way. Get out of your head and get started!

“Over thinking, also, best known as creating problems that are never there.” – David Sikhosana

Planning is a part of what you need to do when you’re setting goals or trying to bring ideas to life. But you need to keep in mind that you can’t get bogged down in the planning. Now, there may be a Mr. or Mrs. Perfection inside of you and you want to get everything perfect from the get-go, but it is highly unlikely that everything will turn out the way you want it to be in the first place.

This is where you can’t let paralysis of analysis keep you from taking action. As much as you would like to make things perfect and have everything figured out before you get started, it’s an unrealistic expectation that will only keep you from accomplishing anything. Something which can help you to not get stuck there is to set a deadline for your planning phase.

Setting up a deadline for completing the planning phase will give you a reference point. A point where you know you need to stop asking yourself the “what if” questions and just get STARTED! Once you start doing it, you’ll find out the things that you don’t know as you go. It’s like having a trip planned out and hitting an unexpected roadblock that you have to figure out your way around.

Another essential skill which might help you to overcome analysis paralysis is being decisive. Practicing and knowing how to make a quicker and wiser decision, will allow you to take faster action and get more things done as you gain momentum. Getting better at making decisions and being more decisive will increase your confidence making it easier for you to take action!

“Thinking will not overcome fear but action will.” — Clement Stone

Over thinking, also known as paralysis of analysis is a detriment to accomplishing your goals. And ultimately keeping you from achieving success in anything you do. The thing to realize is paralysis of analysis is also a form of procrastination. Sometimes it’s the thought of taking on a task that you know will require prolonged effort or a difficult challenge or just the plain old fear of uncertainty.

Whatever those thoughts are, they’re keeping you from taking action. Often times over thinking the details that keep you from getting started are really fears in disguise. You can’t let those negative thoughts and emotions keep you from taking the necessary actions to bring your ideas to life. The absolute best way to conquer fear is by taking action.

What you create in your mind through your imagination will only be a dream until you take action. Without taking action, your dreams can never become reality. The truth is you are meant to create! There are two parts to creation, the first creation happens in your mind. The second creation happens through your actions which takes what you imagined and brings it to reality.

As long as you believe that whatever you imagine is possible, then you can achieve it. If you can believe it, then you can achieve it. Take what you imagine for yourself, and come up with a plan. Believe in your vision, believe in yourself and get started! Paralysis of analysis will kill your dreams every time, so don’t over think it and just do it!

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Recommended Reading:
Paralysis of Analysis