5 Game Changing Money Habits to Improve Your Finances

We all have our own particular money habits, and many of us are stuck in a rut. Some of our habits are good and some are bad. In this article, we’ll highlight some habits that can help you take control of your finances.

Start a Budget

A budget is a plan for how you will spend your money. It can help you save money, make better decisions about how to use your money, and feel more in control of your finances.

To start a budget:

  • Write down all of your income for the month. This includes any salary or wages from work, as well as any other sources (like interest on savings accounts). If something is not regular or predictable (like gifts from family), estimate an average amount based on previous years’ gifts and adjust it later if necessary. Add up all these figures together to get the total amount of money coming in each month. Then, list all of your expenses – everything that costs money! Create categories like food & drink, transportation costs (including gas), housing costs (rent/mortgage payment), utilities bills etc. This will provide you with a starting point and a picture of where you stand with your income and expenses.
Build an Emergency Fund

The first step to building an emergency fund is to decide how much money you can afford to put aside each month. You might think that $50, or even $100, is too small of an amount to be effective. But remember, this is just a starting point! Once your savings account has grown large enough, it will be easier for you to increase the amount going into it each month over time – and if all goes well with your paycheck and no emergencies occur (which would be great!), then maybe someday soon your goal will become saving even more than that initial amount was intended for.

Automate Savings

The best way to save money is by setting up an automatic transfer from your checking account to your savings account. This is a great habit because it keeps you from having to remember to make the transfer, which means that you don’t even have the opportunity to spend the money that was “supposed” to go into savings. So, you won’t see this money, but you’ll be glad to know that it’s there. That way, when the time comes for paying bills and expenses–you are sure of how much money is available because you will already have put your money into savings by this point in time.

Pay Down and Avoid Unnecessary Debt
  • Pay down higher-interest debt first.
  • Avoid credit card debt.
  • Avoid payday loans, which typically have interest rates of 400% or more.
  • If you have other high-interest debt (like a student loan), make sure to use a debt calculator to see how long it will take to pay off your debt using the snowball method–and then start making payments on that debt as soon as possible!
Live Below Your Means

Live below your means. This is a simple concept, but it’s not always easy to practice. The idea is that if you want to save money and be financially independent, then you need to live on less than what your income will allow for. If you make $50k per year and spend $60k per year–you’ll never get ahead! This is one of the most important habits that can be implemented immediately: don’t buy more than what you can afford! This may seem obvious, but many people do not adhere to this rule when making purchases or spending money on discretionary items like entertainment or dining out.

You’ll Feel Better and Have More Money If You Follow These Tips

When you follow these five money habits, you’ll feel better about yourself and have more control over your life. You’ll be able to make decisions about things in the future that would have been impossible before because of lack of funds. You’ll have more money to spend on things that are important to you and your family. The first step is always the hardest one but once it’s done, everything else becomes easier!

Starting from scratch can be scary, but the rewards are worth it. As I’ve learned from my own experiences, when you start following these tips and making positive changes in your life, you’ll feel better and have more money!

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Recommended Reading:
5 Game Changing Money Habits to Improve Your Finances
5 Game Changing Money Habits to Improve Your Finances