Small Steps of Improvement

If you want to have success in reaching your goals, whatever those goals are, you need to be consistent. Being consistent in the things you do has many great advantages and people who consciously practice being consistent, know it! So, if you’re serious about change in any area of your life, you need to be […]

Be More Consciously Aware

While listening to a radio, whether it is AM/FM or satellite and wonder how amazing it is for an invisible signal to travel through the air carrying information and being received for you to hear? Well, in much of the same way, it is believed that thoughts have a frequency also. Frequency is actually energy […]

Your Thought Power

What if the fact that you’re selling yourself short creates its own kind of twisted reality where that’s exactly what happens? What if you’re afraid that you will never attain the dream you’ve had your entire life? What if these things come true simply because you cannot stop thinking about them? What a shame it […]

The Master of Your Fate

Did you know that your thoughts become things? There are a lot of people who are already conscious of that fact, while others will look at you like you have three heads whenever you ask them this question. There’s probably a pretty good chance that you might be one of those skeptics and I can […]

Creating the Future You Desire

The best way to predict the future is to create it and we all have the ability to create our future through visualization. Visualization is a powerful tool that can be used by anyone, including you! It’s a technique that’s consciously used by all successful people to achieve their high levels of success and believe […]

Have a Vision

In order to strive for success, you need to first have an idea of what you want that success to look like. A good part of setting yourself up for financial freedom comes from being able to leave the past behind you, look past today and envision the future that you want. For a lot […]

Taking a Positive Approach

Change can be a great teacher if you learn to embrace it. It’s about learning to accept the change, looking at it from a different perspective and then adjusting your attitude. By going through changes, you embark on a brand-new chapter of growth and realization in your life. The Universe has a way of telling […]

Beyond Your Control

No matter where you go, no matter what you do change is constant and it’s all around you. Some changes are small and you can just roll with them, while bigger changes can be more challenging to deal with. We all have moments where we experience change in many areas of our lives, like where […]