A Whole New World

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life! That seemingly small statement actually packs a big punch once you figure out how to unlock its power. Consider how simple it is for life to fly by…getting caught up in the rat race, being stuck in your daily routines sprinkled with a vacation or two if you’re lucky […]

Being a Benefit to Others

The misconception of investing in yourself is that it’s all about you! Although the primary focus is on you, there are residual benefits. The thing about investing in yourself is that as you improve in the areas you’ve invested in, you will also set a good example to others around you and you will be […]

Study, Learn and Apply

Study, Learn and Apply

Investing in yourself is about spending time and/or money to improve yourself. There are various areas and various reasons to invest in yourself. One area you might want to work on or improve, for example may be physical, to have more energy or stay active with your children. You may want to lose weight, have […]

Your Money Working for You

You know what it takes to be financially independent and you understanding how generating passive income is the key to that independence, but you may not think that generating that type of income is attainable for you. The truth is that generating passive income is by no means out of reach for anyone, no matter […]

Put in the Effort to Create It

The idea of passive income can be a tricky concept to grasp. The most important thing to realize is that passive income doesn’t just happen. It’s created! Passive income can be created from a number of different sources. The most common places include, but are not limited to, the stock market, business, real estate and […]

Money That is Made Passively

I’m sure you’ve heard the term passive income before and you might have even asked yourself, what is passive income exactly? Well….passive income is simply money that is made passively! And what does that mean?! Basically it means that it’s money earned by doing the least amount of work with the most minimum amount of […]

What is Good Debt?

There really are two sides to debt. In general debt is typically bad, but on the flip side, there is good debt. What is good debt? Good debt is money you borrow to pay for something that will increase in value and/or will pay you back after you make the purchase. An example of debt […]