Think Positively

A sure way to get out of a negative rut in life is to find a way to have positive thoughts. The road to developing a positive mental attitude frequently requires a network of supporters by having a person or people that you allow to hold you accountable for catching you when you sound negative. […]

Changing Your Outlook

To stop negative thinking can be difficult because of how your mind has become hardwired to think and respond in this way. Without realizing it, you end up filtering whatever you see and hear through this grid of negativity. To think and respond negatively is like a warm blanket, safe and familiar. It actually gives […]

Present and Future Results

Did you ever stop to think about how your attitude affects your life? If not, you might be surprised to find that your attitude is the most vital factor in determining your success, your relationships, your enjoyment of virtually everything about your life…..including, (Yup! You guessed it) even your finances. That might be hard for […]

The Right Track

What most people don’t realize about preparing and sticking to a financial budget is that it’s not only a tool for managing your money. It also instills good money habits. The thing is that those money habits don’t just stop at saving and spending, good money habits also play a role when it comes to […]

Money and Budgeting

One of the most basic, fundamental things you can do to improve your financial situation is to conserve money. By consistently following some money saving tips you’ll start to see a considerable increase in the amount of cash you save. That savings can be used toward paying down debt, saving for emergency funds, saving for […]

The Small Steps

When you don’t put much thought into how you’re using your money it can be financially disastrous. So staying on the right track with how you handle your money is of course important to your financial health. Being at the point where you know you have to make some changes, your motivation to improve your […]

See Your Future

There are certain things that can’t be avoided if you are to achieve financial freedom. For starters, the time tested principles of delayed gratification and sacrifice are very important ingredients for your finances that may require a greater change in mindset…..or paradigm shift for some more than others. It may be easier for you to […]

You Want It Now

In this new age of rapid information, rapid implementation and rapid results, the virtue of patience took a back seat. In fact, the idea of waiting for things is almost inconceivable for a lot of people, most especially when it comes to your financial future. After all, you know what you want, and you want […]