Embrace Change

We all have moments where we experience change in many areas of our lives…where we live, our beliefs, our careers, our health, our friendships and the list goes on. We sometimes choose to make those changes willingly and sometimes they are forced upon us from the outside. In either case, it can be a struggle […]


Any type of personal success can’t be achieved without self-discipline, whether the success we’re striving for has to do with our career, our health, fitness, even our finances. It is probably one of the most, if not the most important quality necessary to achieve excellence in anything we do. We might think that natural talent […]

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the capacity to identify, comprehend, and manage our own feelings and the feelings of individuals in manners that are positive. We may think that being book smart and having a high intelligence quotient or IQ will guarantee a happy, successful and fulfilled life. If we look around, there is an assortment of […]

Trading Time for Money

A lot of us have been sold the idea that we need to go to school, attend college, get a 9-5 job that we end up working for years until we can (hopefully) save enough money to retire, leaving us to do what we enjoy when we’re old. Who the heck wants to live like […]

An Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. Consider how simple it is for life to fly by…getting caught up in the rat race, being stuck in our daily routines sprinkled with a vacation or two if we’re lucky enough and all for the sake of just getting through another day. After a while it can get […]

Invest In Yourself

Going through the day-to-day routines of life, our children, our significant other, our job, and even our dog always seem to come first. But it’s important to remember our well-being, our inner and outer self is just as important and should be our priority, in order that we could be the very best version of […]

Passive Income

What is passive income exactly? Passive income is simply money that is made passively! And what does that mean?! Well…basically, it is money that’s earned by doing as little work or the most minimum amount of work possible. Unlike a job where we have to work in order to earn an income, passive income comes […]

Good Debt and Bad Debt

For many of us today, debt is just a fact of life. It’s how we pay for just about everything from the homes we live in, to the cars we drive and even down to the small, day to day purchases like food, gas, that daily cup of coffee (or 3), etc. No matter how […]

Financial Self Control

All individuals have habits! A habit is defined as a recurrent, often subconscious pattern of behavior that’s obtained through frequent repetition. To put it simply, it’s repeatedly performing the very same things over and over without thinking about it, like nail biting or snacking on food. Over spending our money can also fall into that […]

Stick To A Budget

Many of us have either created or attempted to create an effective budget at some point. For those of us who have, budgeting or “good money management” is probably one of the most difficult things we face in dealing with our finances. What we need to realize is that successful budgeting is key to good […]