Emergency Funds

Emergency Funds

Too many people today don’t have an emergency fund or a savings account. Your emergency fund is the safety net in the event you get sick, lose your job, have unexpected car repairs, medical expense, etc. General guidelines you’ll hear from financial planners as to how much you should sock away into your emergency funds […]

How Do You Pay Yourself First

Pay Yourself First

A lot of people have a hard time understanding the phrase “pay yourself first”, let alone applying the concept. I’ll admit, even I struggled with it when I first heard it. Let’s face it, after paying the rent/mortgage, utilities, car payment, insurance, credit cards, etc., more often than not, there is never anything left over […]

Your Relationship with Money

All of us have a complex relationship with regards to money. How you acquire, spend and manage money is largely due to two factors: the nurturing you received during childhood about money and values, and the way you organized this information in your mind. At each end of the spectrum is financial insecurity. On one […]