Changing Your Outlook

To stop negative thinking can be difficult because of how your mind has become hardwired to think and respond in this way. Without realizing it, you end up filtering whatever you see and hear through this grid of negativity. To think and respond negatively is like a warm blanket, safe and familiar. It actually gives […]

Present and Future Results

Did you ever stop to think about how your attitude affects your life? If not, you might be surprised to find that your attitude is the most vital factor in determining your success, your relationships, your enjoyment of virtually everything about your life…..including, (Yup! You guessed it) even your finances. That might be hard for […]

See Your Future

There are certain things that can’t be avoided if you are to achieve financial freedom. For starters, the time tested principles of delayed gratification and sacrifice are very important ingredients for your finances that may require a greater change in mindset…..or paradigm shift for some more than others. It may be easier for you to […]

You Want It Now

In this new age of rapid information, rapid implementation and rapid results, the virtue of patience took a back seat. In fact, the idea of waiting for things is almost inconceivable for a lot of people, most especially when it comes to your financial future. After all, you know what you want, and you want […]

Don’t Be Fooled

When we see successful people and are in awe of their success, we have a tendency to think, how lucky they are, how talented they are, how gifted they are or whatever simple explanation for their success we can come up with and although some of those things may be a contributing factor to the […]

Money Can’t Buy Happiness

There is a largely held belief by many people that money can’t buy happiness and although there is some truth to that belief, the one thing that is for certain is that money can make life more comfortable. By making our lives more comfortable and enjoyable we will naturally find moments of happiness in how […]

Be Inspired – Not Envious

Life has a way of bombarding us with elaborate lifestyles and luxuries of the rich and famous and sometimes not even famous people. From celebrities and professional athletes to founders and CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies to the local millionaire who owns a small chain of stores in the area. Whether we admit it to […]

Take Action

No matter how much envisioning, planning, organizing, analyzing we do, nothing will change until we take action! It sounds simple enough and we all know it to be true, so what holds us back from doing it? For many of us, the reason we don’t take action has to do with the fear of failure. […]

Have Confidence

What is confidence? Does having confidence mean that we have specific knowledge, necessary skills or certain abilities? Although some or all of those qualities may help, they are not necessary for us to have confidence. Despite what some of us may believe, it is possible to have confidence in ourselves even though we may not […]