Decision Making

Whether we like it or not making decisions is something all of us have to do on a daily basis, multiple times a day. We are constantly making decisions and most of the time we probably don’t even put much thought into it. Decision making happens on a few different levels. There are small level […]

Begin With the End in Mind

When we think about the idea of wanting to achieve financial success, one of the first questions we probably ask ourselves is, “how are we going to get there?” And where is “there” exactly? Sometimes that thought is so overwhelming that we just don’t know where to start. It is exactly at that point that […]

Believe In Yourself

At many points in our lives we’ve all experienced and have expressed our doubts about things. Of all the many different things we’ve doubted, the one most important thing that may be holding us back from achieving success is that we doubt ourselves. We doubt our own abilities to bounce back from setbacks and failures, […]

Don’t Give Up

Having the ability to keep trying when things seem impossible, to push past our comfort zone, to not give up when it gets difficult, almost always leads to success. The great thing about the idea of not giving up is just that…it’s an idea! It requires no higher education, no monetary investment and no formal […]

Choose Your Attitude

One of the most powerful abilities we possess as individuals is the power to choose our attitude. We can’t always control our circumstances, but we are the only one who can control what we think or how we think. It’s completely up to us to figure out how we want to look at the world […]

Find Your Strengths

When it comes to striving to achieve success in anything we do, working on our weaknesses is not enough. Not only is it not enough, it’s actually a hindrance to reaching our true fullest potential. Focusing and working to improve our weaknesses is a hindrance in the sense that it takes our time and focus […]

Feed Your Mind

The thoughts and ideas we have going through our minds every day, actually every second of every day is what causes us to make the decisions that we make and the actions that we take in all aspects of our lives. Those thoughts and ideas we have are very much influenced by the things we […]

Fear of Failure

Whenever we hear the F word…okay not that F word, another one…Failure, we always relate it to negative, pessimistic ideas, but why is failure perceived to be bad? Besides the obvious fact that failing doesn’t feel particularly good, we tend to have a fear of failure. The truth is, failure offers us a chance to […]

Paralysis of Analysis

Paralysis of Analysis – Evaluation paralysis is where you can’t take any actions because of over thinking the details or over preparation and it’s one of the most notorious actions killer we could ever possibly have. Planning is always helpful when we’re starting a brand-new project, but we shouldn’t let it get to the point […]