Stop Going into Debt

Not only are there small, unsuspecting ways we get ourselves into trouble with debt that slowly and incrementally build up until we eventually find ourselves in over our head. But then we have the big dollar purchases that we have to become aware of also. Such as, that brand new motorcycle, snowmobile, boat or jet-ski […]

How to Avoid Debt

If our bills are greater than our income, it’s safe to say…we’re in trouble! It’s when we find ourselves in situations like this, that we’ll only keep adding to our debt whenever we spend more money than we make. The first thing we need to do is we need to get our spending under control. […]

Every Little Bit Helps!

Increasing our income doesn’t have to be a significant increase. We don’t need to get too caught up in how much we’re able to increase our income at this point, but more about using that extra income toward paying off debt or putting it toward savings or investing goals. There are so many different ways […]

Stop Overspending!

If we stay focused on the health of our financial future by being disciplined with taking care of what we need (which includes paying off debt and not accumulating more) and being patient with our wants in the here and now, once we reach our goal of financial independence we will have the financial means […]

Stop Accumulating Debt!

Reducing and eliminating debt is no easy task, but it’s essential to your financial and even emotional and physical and health. There is nothing better than seeing debt get removed from your balance sheet. No more worrying about that debt, no more bills or calls from lenders and creditors…it’ll just be gone! Just remember, once […]