This Can Make All the Difference

Our attitude is the most vital factor in determining our success, our relationships, our enjoyment of virtually everything about our life…including, (Yup! You guessed it) even our finances. The great news is that we get to select our very own attitude. Regardless of our current conditions, situations or our previous failures, we can choose to […]

What are Your Money Habits Like?

One of the most basic, fundamental things we can do is to conserve money. By consistently following a few money saving tips we’ll see a radical rise in the amount of cash we save, which can be used toward paying down debt, saving for emergency funds, saving for that vacation or for investing, depending on […]

How to Justify Needs Vs Wants

Part of our journey to financial well-being is the principal of spending less than we earn. And although there is no single road to financial well-being, that one principal is what sets us up to not only begin creating our wealth, but to also keep what wealth we attain. That principal holds true whether we […]

Saving is for Investing

Whichever strategy…or strategies we decide to utilize, will depend on our comfort level of risk and effort (how hands on we care to be). The important thing in all of this is getting all the information and/or help we need to educate ourselves enough to make the best decision based on our own individual desires. […]