Be Curious

Comparing yourself to the success of others can trigger feelings of jealousy. Being self-aware can help you to uncover the true reasons why you feel that way. As you become more self-aware and conquer the thoughts that cause you to be envious, you can then look at those who you see as being highly successful […]

Envy Kills Inspiration

Being jealous or envious over the success of others or worse yet, perceived success is pointless. It’s a negative emotion you have to overcome if you ever want to achieve it yourself. Overcoming jealousy or envy is not an easy task, but it can be done if you truly want to change your situation. Envy […]

Appreciating What You Have

It’s sometimes hard not to compare what you have or don’t have with what you see around you. Life has a way of bombarding you with elaborate lifestyles and luxuries of the rich and famous and even not so famous people. From celebrities and professional athletes to founders and CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies to […]

You Must DO

When you think about your plans and dream of your future, no matter how much envisioning, planning, organizing or analyzing you do, nothing can happen without action! Action is the catalyst for all of your desires. Taking action is the one most important thing that separates the highly successful people from everyone else. The amount […]

What Gets You Motivated?

Getting the motivation to start working toward your goals isn’t something that mysteriously builds up inside of you until you all of a sudden take action! Despite what many people might think, it doesn’t take motivation to take action, it’s actually the other way around! Motivation comes from taking action and once you’re motivated by […]

Take the First Step

Sometimes the “busy work” you do of planning or organizing your goals may seem like progress. Or the constant dreaming and analyzing of your ideas may seem justified and necessary. But no matter how much envisioning, planning, organizing or analyzing you do, nothing will change until you take action! It sounds simple and you know […]

You Are Just as Deserving

No one is born with confidence. Confidence is created! And it’s created by you, through believing and doing. It’s something you must have to be able to achieve your goals. Having and gaining confidence is so essential to success in any area of your life including your own financial success. Building and gaining confidence is […]

Build Your Confidence

Every person has a certain level of confidence in them self. That level of confidence mostly comes from having knowledge, skills and abilities in specific areas. Even though you don’t necessarily need specific knowledge, skills or abilities to have confidence, those things are very beneficial for building upon your confidence so that you can take […]

Know Your Own Self Worth

Confidence is a quality, seen by others, as being anywhere from admirable to intimidating. Where you fall into that spectrum is partially due to your own level of confidence. What is confidence? Does having confidence mean that you have specific knowledge, necessary skills or certain abilities? Although some or all of those qualities may help, […]