Focusing On Your Money

When it comes to your finances, being money focused is essential. And just to be clear, having a money focused mindset isn’t about being greedy. Any successful investor will tell you fear and greed are the two biggest enemies when it comes to money, so greed is not at all part of the equation in […]

Putting Money In Your Pocket

As important as it is to your financial health, sometimes the difference between assets and liabilities is obvious and sometimes it’s not. What may at first be a liability can become an asset or vise-versa. For example, when you buy a home, that home is a liability because unless you buy it with cash, the […]

Boost Your Income

There are two opposing forces in finance called assets and liabilities. The difference between assets and liabilities is simply put in this way…an asset is something which generates an income. Or said differently, puts money in your pocket. And a liability is something which is an expense or takes money out of your pocket. That’s […]

Think Positively

A sure way to get out of a negative rut in life is to find a way to have positive thoughts. The road to developing a positive mental attitude frequently requires a network of supporters by having a person or people that you allow to hold you accountable for catching you when you sound negative. […]