Goals Are Not Fixed

Goal setting requires having an imagination so that you can envision what you want your future to look like. By establishing goals based on your vision, it gives you real targets to shoot for and as you achieve your goals you will move your vision closer and closer to reality. But, nothing in your imagination […]

Create What You Want

When you think about the idea of wanting to achieve financial success, one of the first questions you probably ask yourself is, “how are you going to get there?” And where is “there” exactly? If you’re not asking yourself those two questions, then you really need to. And sometimes the thought of asking those questions […]

Be More Consciously Aware

While listening to a radio, whether it is AM/FM or satellite and wonder how amazing it is for an invisible signal to travel through the air carrying information and being received for you to hear? Well, in much of the same way, it is believed that thoughts have a frequency also. Frequency is actually energy […]

Have a Vision

In order to strive for success, you need to first have an idea of what you want that success to look like. A good part of setting yourself up for financial freedom comes from being able to leave the past behind you, look past today and envision the future that you want. For a lot […]

Develop Good Habits

When you look at people who’ve reached high levels of success, it might make you envy their discipline that helped get them there. But you have to remember that self-discipline is not something that’s gained overnight. It’s gained by setting clear, manageable, attainable goals and a desire to achieve them, just like developing any other […]

Aspire to Break the Norm

In today’s society, the vast majority of people have been sold the idea that you need to go to school, attend college, and get a good job. And that’s great! Except it doesn’t end there, because once you have the job you end up ultimately working for decades until you can (hopefully) save enough money […]

The Right Track

What most people don’t realize about preparing and sticking to a financial budget is that it’s not only a tool for managing your money. It also instills good money habits. The thing is that those money habits don’t just stop at saving and spending, good money habits also play a role when it comes to […]