How Will You Choose

As simple as all that may sound, we know that it’s not always that easy to choose the right attitude in every situation. It’s easier to have a good attitude when we’re not facing challenges or devastating circumstances. It’s when we have those not so good times that our choice of attitude is put to […]

How Many of These Do You Have?

People that are wealthy have multiple income streams, meaning they earn money by creating additional sources of income. In fact, the average millionaire is known to have 7 different income streams. Aside from making more money, the reason for having more than one source of income is to reduce the impact to our cash flow […]

How to Justify Needs Vs Wants

Part of our journey to financial well-being is the principal of spending less than we earn. And although there is no single road to financial well-being, that one principal is what sets us up to not only begin creating our wealth, but to also keep what wealth we attain. That principal holds true whether we […]

How to Avoid Debt

If our bills are greater than our income, it’s safe to say…we’re in trouble! It’s when we find ourselves in situations like this, that we’ll only keep adding to our debt whenever we spend more money than we make. The first thing we need to do is we need to get our spending under control. […]