Be Curious

Comparing yourself to the success of others can trigger feelings of jealousy. Being self-aware can help you to uncover the true reasons why you feel that way. As you become more self-aware and conquer the thoughts that cause you to be envious, you can then look at those who you see as being highly successful […]

The First Building Block

The thought of setting goals can sometimes be challenging, but it’s necessary if you’re going to achieve financial success. Envisioning what you want your future to look like is the easiest place to start. By beginning with the end in mind, it gives you your direction. That sense of direction is what will keep you […]

Learn and Persevere

Just because you feel as though you don’t have the natural talent to be good at something, doesn’t mean you can’t be successful at it. Will it take more failure? Will it take more work to learn and persevere? Sure! But, even when you use your natural strengths to pursue something, you will still be […]

You Have the Power to Choose

Your attitude about any given situation is entirely your choice. That doesn’t mean you can control every situation, but what it does mean is that you can control how you react to it. How you choose your attitude is largely based on habits. Habits that you form by consistently feeding your mind, consciously or sub-consciously, […]

It’s Your Choice

Choices…you face them in so many different areas of your life and your attitude is one of them. You can actually choose to have a good attitude or a bad attitude. Sounds simple, right? Well, as simple as that sounds, you know that it’s not always that easy to choose the right attitude in every […]